Exercise and Anxiety: Does Exercise Actually Help?

Living with anxiety can be hard, but regular exercise could help reduce worry and boost wellbeing. We explore the benefits and best exercises for anxiety. A queasy stomach before a big speech. Sweaty palms before a first date. We all feel anxious sometimes. But for many, anxiety is far more than the occasional jittery feeling. […]
Body Scan Meditation to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Heard of body scan meditation but don’t know what it is? We discuss how mindful body scans can help with stress and anxiety. Plus, 5 tips to get you started. Pause. Take a deep breath. Now, imagine the pace of your life slowed down. Way down. See yourself moving through your days with less stress […]
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 — A Simple Grounding Exercise to Calm Anxiety

Anxiety derailing your day? Get to know the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method — a simple exercise for calming the mind that can alleviate anxiety in minutes. In an unpredictable world, it’s easy to get caught up in stress and anxiety. Grounding techniques offer a practical way to pull your focus back from […]
Anticipatory Anxiety: How to Feel Less Anxious About The Future

It’s normal to feel anxious about the future. But anticipatory anxiety can take its toll on your well-being. We share five simple strategies to help you cope. If you’ve ever experienced that stomach ache before a major event or critical meeting then you’ve experienced anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory anxiety is a form of worry or fear […]
How To Calm An Anxiety Attack: 10 Fast Ways To Ground Yourself

Anxiety attacks can feel scary, but you do have some control. Here are 10 effective strategies to help you learn how to calm an anxiety attack fast. Anxiety can be frightening because it isn’t just about feeling worried — it’s a complex cocktail of emotions. It can have roots in a combination of life pressures, […]
Panic Attacks: How Meditation and Mindfulness Can Help

A panic attack can be overwhelming and terrifying. The racing heart, shortness of breath, and a whirlwind of thoughts can leave you feeling helpless. If you experience panic attacks, remember that you’re not alone and with the right coping strategies, you can find relief. Learn how meditation can help with panic attacks, and how grounding […]
Meditation for Veterans

Meditation: Why Do So Many Veterans Swear By it? Meditation is helping thousands of Australian veterans lead an easier and calmer life by equipping them with the skills for things like better controlling their anger and any depressive thoughts, improving their empathy and understanding, managing sudden flashbacks or negatively reliving the past. It is also […]