Support for Veterans Living With Diabetes

At Veterans Benefits Australia, we strive to continue to be a practical source of reputable information for veterans who are seeking services after completing their military service. We understand the challenges that veterans face when it comes to improving their health and recognise the gap in education and support for veterans living with diabetes. This […]
War Widows & Orphans: What Does Your DVA Gold Card Entitle You To?

War Widows & Orphans: What Does Your DVA Gold Card Entitle You To? As of September 2021, there are 43,227 war widows and war orphans receiving income support or compensation from the DVA.[1] As part of their support, war widows or war orphans that are entitled to DVA pensions are also entitled to a DVA Gold […]
Managing Pain With Exercise

How Veterans Are Managing Their Chronic Pain With Simple Exercises Living with persistent pain is draining, disheartening and limiting – yet notably more veterans struggle with amplified, poorly explained, or ongoing pain and discomfort than Australians who have not been in military service. Being defined as pain that lasts longer than three to six months […]
Physiotherapy for Veterans

Veterans: How Physiotherapy Changed My Life Every week, thousands of Australian veterans work together with their trusted physiotherapists on their journey to better health. For some, this looks like getting the care they need to recover from pain or injury so they can get back to normal, comfortable movement. For others, it’s getting help to […]
Meditation for Veterans

Meditation: Why Do So Many Veterans Swear By it? Meditation is helping thousands of Australian veterans lead an easier and calmer life by equipping them with the skills for things like better controlling their anger and any depressive thoughts, improving their empathy and understanding, managing sudden flashbacks or negatively reliving the past. It is also […]
Not Just Diet: The Real Way Dietitians Are Transforming Veteran’s Lives

Think seeing a dietitian is just about being told to make “healthy, balanced food choices” and being handed a few nutritious meal ideas? Think again. Dietitians are playing a crucial role in maintaining the well-being of Australian veterans – from helping them thrive socially to helping with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – […]
Veteran Benefits Australia is advocating for veterans!

In October 2022 the DVA ceased access and payments for veterans with a Non-Liability Mental Health white card from accessing exercise physiology and physiotherapy services. The change was made without warning and without notifying impacted veterans and/or service providers. The result of this left thousands of veterans utilising the services every week, for the […]
7 signs it’s time to see a podiatrist!

Veterans! Need a podiatry appointment? VBA Can help! From rolling your ankle regularly to experiencing shin splints, pain in the feet can be debilitating and frustrating! During military service, feet, ankles and knees take a beating! Heavy boots combined with carrying packs and the demands of staying fit through running drills, veterans more than most […]
Living With Chronic Pain? The ‘Gold Standard’ In Care That You’re Likely Missing

Waking up to another day of persistent and often disabling pain is the reality that approximately one in six Australian veterans face, limiting even simple tasks like taking walks, grocery shopping, seeing friends, or getting a restful night’s sleep. It’s easy to associate chronic pain with only physical symptoms such as low back pain or […]
Weight Management: Are You Missing The Simple Key To Long Lasting Success?
Weight Management: Are You Missing The Simple Key To Long-Lasting Success? Most of us know the sinking feeling of not meeting our weight-related goal, whether that’s weight loss, muscle gain, optimising our nutrition or our exercise to happily maintain our existing weight, or something else. So when we don’t meet those goals repeatedly, even if […]