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Anticipatory Anxiety: How to Feel Less Anxious About The Future

It’s normal to feel anxious about the future. But anticipatory anxiety can take its toll on your well-being. We share five simple strategies to help you cope.

If you’ve ever experienced that stomach ache before a major event or critical meeting then you’ve experienced anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory anxiety is a form of worry or fear about an upcoming event. When this occurs, our minds can get tangled up in an unending loop of “what ifs,”. We can find ourselves spinning tales of worst-case scenarios that may never even occur. 

Understanding anticipatory anxiety

Feeling nervous or anxious before a big event is normal, but it can become problematic when these feelings start taking over our daily lives. If you’re anxious about the future, it’s certainly not a sign of weakness or irrationality. The brain is built to anticipate and plan ahead. But sometimes, thoughts can get carried away, and we can find ourselves spiralling into worry, or even panic.

The physical aspects of anticipatory anxiety

Anticipatory anxiety can manifest in many ways. You may notice physical symptoms like muscle tension, difficulty focusing, your heart racing a mile a minute, an upset stomach, or trouble getting a good night’s sleep. These symptoms can weigh heavy on your mental and emotional well-being, robbing you of the joy of the present moment. When these physical symptoms occur, it can be helpful to ground yourself with your favourite mindfulness practices.

Getting ahead of anticipatory anxiety

Understanding anticipatory anxiety can make it more manageable. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing that there is one, so it’s important and powerful to fully recognize what you’re feeling. It’s essential in life to validate your emotions. 

There’s nothing wrong with feeling worried in life. Life is an uncertain journey, and feeling worried comes with the territory. How we choose to respond to the worries we feel is what matters most. 

One way to get ahead of anticipatory anxiety is to have some of your favourite mindfulness practices in your hip pocket when that worry strikes. More on that in a moment.

Types of Anticipatory Anxiety 

When it comes to understanding and getting ahead of anticipatory anxiety, it’s important to understand the different ways it may present. Here are the four key types.

1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Think of GAD as a long-term tenant of anticipatory anxiety. Your worries might not be limited to just one area. Instead, they tend to sprawl across multiple aspects of life like work, health, or relationships. 

If you experience feelings of impending doom or relentless thoughts about the future that seem hard to rein in might be tell-tale signs of GAD. If you think GAD might be behind your symptoms, please reach out for professional support.

💙 The Calm app is also here to help during times of stress and anxiety with tools to help you feel better whenever you need it most. Guided mindfulness practices like this 10 minute Anxiety Release practice can also help ease in-the-moment anxiety.

2. Specific phobias

Sometimes, anticipatory anxiety is triggered by specific phobias. Let’s say you’ve got a fear of flying. You might feel anticipatory anxiety amping up in the days or even weeks before you’re due to take off. This isn’t your everyday fear. It’s an intense wave of anxiety that could significantly hamper your life’s quality. 

In the case of the fear of flying, you might find yourself making excuses not to vacation, or travel by air just to avoid feeling this intense anticipatory anxiety. If your anticipatory anxiety is tied to phobias, it’s important to find tools that can help you cope so that the phobia and corresponding anxiety don’t negatively impact your life.

💙 If you have a fear of flying, try Tamara Levitt’s Calming Flight Anxiety course.

4. Panic attacks

In some instances, anticipatory anxiety can escalate into full-blown panic attacks. Imagine your worry about a future event becoming so overwhelming that it triggers symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, or a sheer sense of terror.

As daunting as these feelings might be, remember that they can’t physically harm you, and you can manage them. If panic attacks impede your daily life, know that help is available. There’s absolutely no need for you to weather this storm alone.

💙 You might also try this 4-minute Panic SOS guided practice to help you feel more grounded and centred if you experience panic attacks regularly. 

Recognizing these different forms of anticipatory anxiety is in no way intended for you to feel labelled or dysfunctional, but rather to help guide you so you can take the necessary steps to cope better with these difficult feelings and emotions. Use this knowledge to find solutions tailored to your unique anxiety journey.

The Signs of Anticipatory Anxiety

Spotting the signs of anticipatory anxiety is like finding the key to managing it. So, let’s dive into some of the tell-tale signs:

Trouble focusing 

If you catch yourself in a daze or are struggling to stay on task, it could be anticipatory anxiety working behind the scenes. Your mind might be so entangled in future worries that you struggle to stay in the now.

Mood swings

If you find yourself feeling snappy, restless, or finding your mood swinging like a pendulum, it could be a sign of anticipatory anxiety. Emotional ups and downs are a common symptom of anticipatory anxiety and can tip you off that it’s time to find some good tools to help you cope.

Less interest in your hobbies

If those activities that used to light you up now feel more like an obligation then this might point to feelings of anticipatory anxiety.

Feelings of restlessness

Sometimes, feeling jittery and on edge can be a physical indication of anticipatory anxiety. If you feel as though your body is on constant standby, preparing for the worst, then it could be time to implement a mindfulness tool like this SOS Breath Work meditation.

Tummy troubles

If you’re dealing with this kind of anxiety you may notice a shift in your eating habits. You might also catch yourself feeling nauseous or queasy. If your anxiety is manifesting physically this guided Calm Anxiety practice may help soothe your symptoms.

Tension showing up in the body

Anticipatory anxiety can have an equal effect on the mind and also the body. Clenching your muscles can be a symptom which can cause discomfort or pain. Areas like the neck, shoulders, and back are particularly susceptible.

Restless sleep

When dealing with anticipatory anxiety, it’s not uncommon for it to affect your sleep patterns. This could look like a restless night’s sleep, insomnia, or even sleeping in too late to avoid the anxiety-inducing activity. If your anxiety is affecting your ability to rest, relaxation strategies before bed might help. Try this Unwind into Sleep meditation or consider playing a relaxing sound designed to help you sleep like white noise.

5 Strategies to Help You Manage Anticipatory Anxiety

Taming anticipatory anxiety calls for a blend of effective strategies. These six tips should offer a starting point.

1. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool when it comes to managing anticipatory anxiety. By anchoring yourself in the present moment, future worries tend to loosen their grip, and you’ll likely notice yourself feeling more grounded and relaxed. Mindfulness works best when practised consistently so try to set aside time each day for mindfulness exercises and meditations. Cultivate your mindfulness practice in under 10 minutes a day with the Daily Calm, Daily Trip, or Daily Jay.

2. Try relaxation techniques

Make relaxation techniques a regular feature in your daily routine to help calm your mind and body. Test out progressive muscle relaxation, visualisation, or gentle stretches. Find what clicks with you and carve out time for some well-deserved relaxation.

Guided meditations to encourage tranquillity, like Present in the Body with Dr. Megan Reitz.

3. Learn to manage your breathing

Breathing exercises, particularly ones that use extended exhales, are a great way to ease anxiety in both body and mind. So the next time you feel anxious, try taking deep breaths in followed by longer, slower breaths out. This signals a state of relaxation to the body that helps to slow down heart rate and relax the nerves. Ease anxiety by tuning into this Relax with the Breath session.

4. Prioritize sleep

Quality sleep is an essential pillar for managing anxiety. And here’s a quick refresher on some sleep hygiene fundamentals: 

  • Stick to a consistent sleep routine 
  • Unwind with relaxation techniques 
  • Dial down screen time before bed 
  • Cozy up with comfortable bedding

The Calm app’s Sleep Stories and sleep meditations have been designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

5. Face your fears

Standing up to your fears can be a game-changer in managing anticipatory anxiety. Gradually expose yourself to the situations that get your anxiety gears grinding. Start with small steps and remind yourself to take a moment to acknowledge your courage and resilience. See this as a growth moment!

For additional support, try the Overcome Stress and Anxiety series with Dr Julie Smith.

When to Seek Professional Support For Anticipatory Anxiety

  • If you’re experiencing one or more of the below, please consider reaching out to a healthcare professional for support:
  • If anticipatory anxiety persists and feels relentless or out of control
  • If anticipatory anxiety interferes with everyday tasks or relationships
  • If implementing coping techniques feels overwhelming or too difficult
  • If anticipatory anxiety is accompanied by conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, depression or other mental health conditions

Your Questions About Anticipatory Anxiety answered

Q: What sparks anticipatory anxiety?

Triggers for anticipatory anxiety vary. Common instigators include:

  • Impending major events
  • Uncertainty about what’s ahead
  • Past traumatic experiences
  • A habit of imagining the worst outcomes

Understanding your unique triggers aids in forming personalized coping mechanisms.

Q: How does anticipatory anxiety manifest?

Anticipatory anxiety shows up differently for everyone. Physical symptoms might be increased heart rate, sweating, shaking, or stomach discomfort. Emotional signs could involve restlessness, irritability, or a feeling of impending catastrophe. Cognitive symptoms might include fast-paced thoughts, focus difficulty, or excessive future event worries.

Q: Could you provide an anticipatory anxiety example?

Suppose you’ve got a job interview approaching. Days prior, you’re restless, distracted, and burdened by negative outcome thoughts. This persistent concern and preoccupation with the future represents anticipatory anxiety.

Q: How can I soothe anticipatory anxiety?

Numerous tactics can help alleviate anticipatory anxiety. These can encompass mindfulness practice, relaxation techniques, seeking healthy distractions, ensuring sufficient sleep, gradually confronting fears, and reshaping negative thought patterns. Try out these methods to find your personal blend.

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Veteran Benefits Australia Privacy Policy

Here at Veteran Benefits Australia, (we, us, our, or Veteran Benefits Australia) protecting your privacy and treating your personal information with care is of paramount importance to us. This Privacy Policy explains why we collect personal information and how we collect, use, disclose, store and protect your personal information when you use our Veteran Benefits Australia Services (our referral services to third party suppliers of goods and services to veterans and anything we add to those services from time to time).

It also explains how to contact us to correct, update or delete any personal information provided to us, or make a complaint if you have concerns. We are compliant with the privacy principles of Australia.

We will only collect and process personal information about you where we have a lawful basis to do so. Lawful basis includes consent (where you have given consent such as filling out our “contact us” form), contract (where processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you) and legitimate interests (including security threats or frauds, compliance with applicable laws, and enabling us to administer our business).

You expressly and voluntarily grant your informed consent to Veteran Benefits Australia to deal with your personal information in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. You have the right to withdraw or decline your consent at any time and where we rely on legitimate interests, you have the right to object.

Changes that we make to our Privacy Policy

We will notify you about any changes to our Privacy Policy by updating the “Last updated” date of this Privacy Policy.  You are encouraged to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed of updates. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, will be subject to, and will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Privacy Policy by your continued use of the Veteran Benefits Australia Services after the date such revised Privacy Policy is posted.

Which entities does this Privacy Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy applies to Veteran Benefits Australia with respect to the Veteran Benefits Australia Services.

What is personal information?

Personal information is defined as information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.

What personal information do we collect?

From time to time Veteran Benefits Australia may offer the ability to make a donation or purchase goods or services including merchandise through its Website. The terms of donation or purchase will be in accordance with the online check-out terms and conditions appearing on check-out of the transaction.

Why do we collect your personal information?

We may collect your personal information when required by law but generally we collect personal information from you (or about you) to allow us to:

  • supply you with the Veteran Benefits Australia Services;
  • supply you with tailored service offerings that may benefit you;
  • communicate more effectively with you about our services such as through our newsletter;
  • supply marketing or promotional materials and other information to you;
  • ensure your experience with us is a positive one; and
  • notify you about our new services or product offerings, discounts, promotions or upcoming events.


Personal information collected or received by us will only be used for the stated purpose for which it was provided.

When you access the Veteran Benefits Australia Services, we may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, your operating system, the type of Internet browser you use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data (Usage Data).

When do we disclose your personal information?

Your personal information will not be used contrary to this Privacy Policy but may be disclosed to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • for the purpose it was collected (such as a referral to a third party service provider);
  • if we sell all or part of our business and the purchaser also requires your personal information;
  • to enforce our legal rights or those of others;
  • to prevent actual or potential fraud or illegal activity; or
  • if we are required to do so by law.


If personal information is disclosed to a third party, we are required to take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is treated in accordance with the laws that apply to personal information.

When and how do we collect your personal information?

We collect most personal information directly from you when you make an enquiry about our Veteran Benefits Australia Services from us. Your consent may be express (e.g. you agree to the use of your information by ticking a box) or implied by an action you take or do not take (i.e. because you have agreed to terms and conditions that contain information about the use or disclosure of your information).   At the date of this policy, your consent is given when you register your interest in a service, sign up for our newsletter or complete our contact us registration form.

What if you don’t want us to collect your personal information?

You are not obligated to provide us with your personal information. You may choose whether you receive communications from us. Whilst it is your choice not to provide your personal information to us this may impede our ability to provide you with all of the functionality of our Veteran Benefits Australia Services.

What if you don’t want to receive further communications from us?

Should you wish to remove yourself from our contact database you may do so at any time by contacting us at www.veteranbenefitsaustralia.com/contact-us/

How can I access, correct and/or update personal information you have collected?

At any time you may contact our Privacy Officer and request your personal information be modified. We will make all efforts to correct data once we have proved your identity.

We will deal with all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date of your request (unless any complexities arise).

We will refuse access where the personal information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings, and the information would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings. Further, we will refuse access where your request is frivolous or vexatious, and where we reasonably believe that: giving access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual, or to public health or public safety; unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature, is being or may be engaged in against Veteran Benefits Australia and giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of appropriate action in relation to that matter.

If we refuse to give you access we will provide you with reasons for our refusal, unless doing so would be unreasonable in the circumstances. We will also take reasonable steps to give you access in a way that meets your needs without giving rise to the reasons of our refusal. Further, we will provide details of how you may make a complaint about our decision.

Please note that the access and correction requirements under this Privacy Policy operates alongside and do not replace other informal or legal procedures by which an individual can be provided access to, or correction of, their personal information.

How do we store and protect your personal information?

For us to provide excellent service we are required to store some personal information and take the greatest of care to ensure this information is treated as private and confidential. Transmitting personal data via the internet does have inherent risks associated with it. We will however take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of this data. Note that no information transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. While we will endeavour to protect your personal information as best as possible we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us, or receive from us. The transmission and exchange of information is carried out at your own risk.

Although we take measures to safeguard against unauthorised disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that personal information that we collect will not be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.

We have taken the necessary measures to ensure the personal information (including the financial information about yourself) we hold is not compromised. In accordance with and as permitted by applicable law and regulations we will retain your information as long necessary to serve you, to maintain your Veteran Benefits Australia registration or as otherwise need to operate our business.

It is important that you protect your privacy by ensuring that no one obtains your personal information and you must contact us directly if your details change. Should your information be erroneously provided to us or no longer remain valid within the constraints of this Privacy Policy we will securely destroy or de-identify it as soon as practicable, as long as it is lawful to do so.

We have obligations to notify you if you are affected by an data breach. We will take all reasonable precautions to take remedial action to prevent such an event. However, as we cannot guarantee that remedial action will be sufficient to prevent all instances of a breach, we will take steps to notify you of an eligible data breach as soon as practicable and provide recommendations as to what steps you should take to mitigate any serious loss or damage.


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Insofar as those cookies are not strictly necessary for the provision of our website and services, we will ask you to consent to our use of cookies when you first visit our website.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including understanding how you use our website.

What types of cookies do we use?

There are a number of different types of cookies, however, our website uses:

  • Functionality – we use these cookies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.

  • Advertising – we use these cookies to collect information about your visit to our website, the content you viewed, the links you followed and information about your browser, device, and your IP address. Sometimes we share some limited aspects of this data with third parties for advertising purposes. We may also share online data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. This means that when you visit another website, you may be shown advertising based on your browsing patterns on our website.

How to manage cookies

You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.

Third party sites

Our site has links to other websites and services provided on those websites not owned or controlled by us. These links are meant for your convenience only. Links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practises of other such websites. We encourage our users to be aware, when they leave our website, to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personal identifiable information.

Disclosure policy:

Veteran Benefits Australia is in no way associated with the Department of Veteran Affairs. Veteran Benefits Australia is an online service providing an information blog that has affiliate agreements with its service providers. Veteran Benefits Australia is remunerated for its services from the service providers for the marketing and services it provides. Please note that some of the links on this website are affiliate links. This means that Veteran Benefits Australia will earn a commission if you decide to proceed with the service providers services they are providing. Please understand that I have thoroughly checked these service providers and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful for veterans, not simply because we make money from referring you to them. Please don’t proceed with these services if you don’t think they will benefit you or your family. Veteran Benefits Australia is purely designed to promote the awareness of these services and does not accept payments from veterans directly.

Veteran Benefits Australia Terms & Conditions

These are the terms and conditions of Veteran Benefits Australia. All advices, referrals and other services provided by Veteran Benefits Australia (“Services”) whether via its website at www.veteranbenefitsaustralia.com (“Website”) or by contacting Veteran Benefits Australia in any other manner, are provided on these Terms & Conditions and all customers of Veteran Benefits Australia’s Services (each a “Customer”) agree to these Terms & Conditions as a pre-condition of obtaining any Services from Veteran Benefits Australia. No terms and conditions introduced by the Customer shall take effect to vary these Terms & Conditions unless expressly agreed in writing by Veteran Benefits Australia.

About Veteran Benefits Australia’s Services

Veteran Benefits Australia’s Services are an online service and information blog designed to connect Customers to third party service providers (“Service Providers”) to facilitate Customers’ awareness and access to possible useful services for veterans, whether at full or discounted prices, as described in the various service categories described on the Website.

Veteran Benefits Australia does not of itself provide any health care service, social security service, legal or financial advice or any other direct service of any kind.

Veteran Benefits Australia is not affiliated with the Department of Veteran Affairs or any other Government department, the Returned and Services League Australia (RSL) or any other veterans association.

Veteran Benefits Australia’s Services are an independent online service.

About Service Providers

Whilst all care is taken to connect Customers with suitable, qualified and appropriate Service Providers based on the Customer’s instructions as to their needs, Veteran Benefits Australia does not endorse the advices of any Service Provider and expressly disclaims any liability for any products and services provided by Service Providers. Customers are encouraged to consider if the products and services of the Service Provider are suitable for the Customer’s needs and seek independent advice if required.

Veteran Benefits Australia will not conduct any assessments of the Customer’s needs and any recommendation that Veteran Benefits Australia makes for use of any Service Provider including for the making of any social security application, health care or other services is purely based on Veteran Benefits Australia’s response to the Customer’s request and their own assessment of their needs and circumstances.

Donations, merchandise and paid goods and services

From time to time Veteran Benefits Australia may offer the ability to make a donation or purchase goods or services including merchandise through its Website. The terms of donation or purchase will be in accordance with the online check-out terms and conditions appearing on check-out of the transaction.

Informed Consent for Social Worker Services

The purpose of the following is to inform you about the provision of social worker services by Medilinks Australia Online Pty Ltd t/as VBA Health (“us”, “we” “VBA Health”) and for you to consent to receive social worker services from us and to our management of your personal information.

Part A

Social Worker Services

Type of Services

Social worker services include the following supports:

Part B

Management of Health and Medical Information

Collection of Personal Information

As part of providing social worker services to you, we need to collect and record personal information from you that is relevant to your situation, such as your name, contact information, medical history and other relevant information. This collection of personal information will be a necessary part of the services that are provided.

Viewing Your Accepted Conditions

The following steps will help view the accepted conditions of your DVA white card via the MyGov website.

Step 1:

Go to https://my.gov.au

Sign in to your myGov account using your Username and Password.

You can sign in to myGov using the following:

  • Your username (Your myGov username has 2 letters and 6 numbers. For example XY123456)
  • Your email address used to create your account
  • Your mobile number (if you have enabled this option)

After entering your login details you may be required to provide a one-time access code.

  • A one-time use code is sent by SMS to your mobile phone.

If you do not have a myGov account, you can create one by selecting Create myGov account on the myGov sign-in page.

using the MyGov login page

Step 2:

Once you have logged into your account scroll down until you see the heading ‘Your Services’.

Your Services lists the government programs you access that offer online services through myGov. You should see ‘Department of Veteran Affairs’ listed here.

Select ‘Department of Veteran Affairs’.

If you do not see Department of Veteran Affairs listed you will have to link this service to your account (See the video below).

You can do this by selecting Link another service.

Select the DVA tile

Step 3:

This is your Department of Veterans’ Affairs My Service Home Page.

My Service allows you to access DVA services online such as:

  • Access support for a service-related condition or injury
  • Access your digital DVA Veteran Card
  • Lodge and track the status of your claims

Look in the middle column titled Claims.

Select Accepted Conditions.

Select Accepted Conditions from the Claims Menu

Step 4:

This page shows your digital DVA Veteran Card.

You will see information such as your Card NumberExpiryCard Type and the Conditions listed on your card.

Select the Conditions Listed drop-down menu to view the conditions listed on your card.

Step 5:

Select Print this Page in the top right-hand corner of the page to download your digital DVA Card as a PDF.

Alternatively, if accessing this on your mobile phone you can take a screenshot of this page. Depending on your phone you can:

  • Press the Side button and the Volume up button at the same time (iPhone)
  • Press the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time


Video on how to log on and link my service: